
Now, what's the appeal of this?

So our work blog is doing the "Twilight" series assignment for the artists. Personally, I'm really creeped out that "Sharkboy" is now a hottie angsty werewolf in a bizarre love triangle involving an angsty vampire and angsty teenage girl. So, what's so great about her that everyone in town is in love with her? I don't get it. Then again, I don't want to. All I know is that I felt like a dirty old woman looking up photos of this kid to do this pic. Seriously, doesn't he wear clothes anymore? Lavagirl would not approve.


Krystina said...

Mmmm, even as a cartoon he is still scrumptious.

JessieJoy said...

that is so true.....i like them but i never loved them...

Sattira said...

hoooo exelente, este persoñaje de la pelicula esel mejor.

abbz said...

Wow that is very good! Keep up the great work. He looks hot even as a cartoon!

OneLifeLiveIt said...

What no Lavagirl! Discrimination ;-)

Ashia Williams said...

beautiful work, the character is great!